The Patriot Post® · Clinton Comes to Demos' Rescue
Editorial Exegesis
Investor’s Business Daily1: “[T]he pressure’s on for Democrats to get rid of [ObamaCare], even if … they must pretend it’s not really a failure, and they’re not returning to the past. Of all people, ex-President Bill Clinton has come to their rescue. Ozy Media’s interview with Clinton sent tremors through Washington on Tuesday, as President Obama’s official ObamaCare ‘explainer in chief’ said: ‘Even if it takes a change to the law, the president should honor the commitment the federal government made’ to younger, healthy health insurance beneficiaries ‘and let 'em keep what they got.’ But this isn’t just self-centered Bill being Bill, as when his convention speech outshone Obama’s at last year’s convention. Clinton may well be saving incumbent Democratic congressmen and senators from the voters’ wrath next year, for which they’ll be grateful – both to Bill and to certain 2016 presidential candidate Hillary. What the Democratic Party’s elder statesman just did is give congressional Democrats permission to oppose Obama on ObamaCare.”