The Patriot Post® · Windy City: Did BO Lie?

“The American public is having a credibility-shattering debate about the president,” observes the Chicago Tribune, Obama’s hometown newspaper. “Did he not bother to learn the details of the law before he told us we could keep our doctors and our insurance, or did he know the truth and flat-out lie?” The answer to that question is clearly: He lied. Period. Recall this exchange with Eric Cantor in 2010 when Obama acknowledged millions of individuals would lose coverage, claiming they would ostensibly get “a better deal” through the exchange. The Tribune discusses ways of properly addressing the issues, including this interesting tidbit: “Accept that government doesn’t know what’s best for everyone.” While true, ObamaCare – and healthcare reform in general – will never be successful as long as it’s being managed by the government. Period.