The Patriot Post® · Senator Calls for 'Total Repeal'

When we hear the phrase “senator calls for total repeal,” we immediately think of Ted Cruz or Mike Lee. But it was John McCain – who previously blasted those two for tactical blunders – who issued the “total repeal” call. “The solution is, first of all, to let people keep their insurance if they want to,” McCain said in a Fox News interview. “Or at least reinstate them. Second of all, let the insurance companies give a menu of whatever they want to provide. Third of all, medical savings accounts. Fourth of all, medical malpractice reform. Let people go across state lines to … get a better insurance policy in another state. And remove this whole tax incentive for employers to provide employees health insurance.” When Greta Van Susteren replied, “That is repeal,” McCain agreed: “That’s exactly right. That is total repeal in every other way.” McCain is on to something, but it’ll require victories in 2014 and 2016 to implement.