The Patriot Post® · Windy City Calls for Repeal

Obama’s hometown paper isn’t just wondering if Obama lied. They’re now calling for ObamaCare’s repeal. In a piece titled, “Stop digging. Demolish ObamaCare,” the editorial board at the Chicago Tribune says it’s time for Democrats to stop the bleeding caused by O'Care and start over. “We understand why the president and leaders of his party want to rescue whatever they can of Obamacare,” they write. “What we don’t understand is their reluctance to give that failure more than lip service. Many of the Americans who heard their president say Thursday that ‘we fumbled the rollout of this health care law’ would have been pleased to hear him add: So we’re admitting it. This law is a bust. We’re starting over.” That may be an unrealistic expectation, but it’s a telling sign when Obama’s faithful Leftmedia calls for repeal.