The Patriot Post® · Women Abandoning Obama

Radio talk-show host Tammy Bruce – a feminist and social liberal who otherwise identifies as an “Independent Tea Party Conservative” – penned a column for the Washington Times, explaining why women are abandoning Barack Obama: “With the truth of Obamacare on the table for all to see, including the higher premiums, the canceled policies, the excluded doctors and hospitals, the original targeted marketing of Obamacare to women has now been exposed as the cynical and manipulative fraud it really was. … In the heat of the aftermath of Mr. Obama initially cramming Obamacare down Americans’ throats, the 2010 midterms set many records, including a majority of women voting for Republicans for the first time since 1982, when exit polls began tracking that demographic. … What women voted against in 2010 has come true, and we’re not happy about it. This may come as surprise to Mr. Obama and the people in his inner circle, but women’s health care involves more than sound bites and pithy one-liners.”