The Patriot Post® · Solving Healthcare

Columnist Arnold Ahlert: “The real solution to America’s healthcare problems can be reduced to two ideas: liberty and free-market capitalism. We need a patient-centered system where the patient-doctor relationship comes first, not last. The ability of Americans to maintain health savings accounts on their own, to pick and choose what they want any insurance policy to cover, and the elimination of laws that prevent insurance companies from selling policies across state lines. We need a system in which a 900 page bill, and 11,000 pages of regulations – not one word of which talks about tort reform – is tossed on the ash heap of history. That’s a viable beginning. I have no doubt there are experts in the field who can couple these ideas with a system in which people with chronic and/or pre-existing conditions can access the kind of safety net Americans would be more than happy to underwrite. One based on genuine need – and genuine virtue.”