The Patriot Post® · Schmoozing the Rich and Famous

Barack Obama did not attend the 150th anniversary celebration of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address delivery last week, claiming he was too busy with the work of the people, “getting this darn website up to speed.” Of course, he did record his recitation of the address, notably the version without “under God.” But the work of the people is not preventing Obama’s junket to seven West Coast fundraisers this week, specifically to a state still considered somewhat friendly territory – California. He is seeking the support of his most reliable donors, the Hollywood Ignorati. And while Obama is hobnobbing with the rich and famous, we remind you that the military expense to transport Obama and his adoring entourage to the Leftcoast is costing taxpayers TENS of millions of dollars. At the same time, Air Force military commanders are telling the administration that cuts to flight training hours is undermining military readiness.