The Patriot Post® · Calm Hurricane Season Ends

The 2013 hurricane season officially ended November 30. What was predicted by most sources to be an active year ended up being the quietest season we’ve seen since 1982. In fact, a mere two hurricanes (both category 1 strength) formed. Gary L. Bauer explains the significance: “When Hurricane Katrina struck in 2005, Al Gore predicted that global warming would cause such super storms to become the norm. As usual, Gore got it wrong. … Why does this matter? Because the administration is aggressively pursuing environmental policies that will dramatically affect the economy and your standard of living based on a theory that is increasingly suspect. … The left is using environmental alarmism as one more way to expand the size and scope of big government. And just like Obamacare, it is being sold on a dubious proposition.” Bauer reminds us that “none of the more than 70 computer models used by the U.N. to predict global warming correctly predicted” the global temperature hiatus we’ve experienced over the past 17 years.