The Patriot Post® · Media Silent on 'Knockout' Game

Columnist Ann Coulter: “In Slate, Emma Roller wearily recounted other episodes of black-on-white violence in order to announce: ‘The 'Knockout Game’ is a myth.‘ … So you see, stupid right-wingers, young black males have always been violent, so what’s the big deal about the Knockout Game? Your honor, my client’s not a killer; he’s a serial killer. … According to the FBI, between 1976 and 2005, blacks, who are about 12 percent of the population, committed 53 percent of all felony murders and 56 percent of non-felony murders. … But if liberals took the first step toward sanity and admitted that young black men commit an awful lot of violent crime, they might have to ask why that is. That’s a dangerous question for people who refuse to acknowledge the devastation of fatherless boys caused by liberal welfare policies.”