The Patriot Post® · Imaginary Arrow Upsets PC Police

The latest from “The Indoctrination of Our Youth” file: According to the Rutherford Institute, “Johnny Jones, a fifth grader at South Eastern Middle School, was suspended for a day and threatened with expulsion under the school’s weapons policy after playfully using his hands to draw the bowstrings on a pretend ‘bow’ and ‘shoot’ an arrow at a classmate who had held his folder like an imaginary gun and ‘shot’ at Johnny.” The institute will be defending the 10-year-old and has asked the school “to rescind the suspension and remove all references to the incident from Jones’ permanent school record.” They have until Dec. 13 to comply, or else. RI President John W. Whitehead notes, “We all want to keep the schools safe, but I’d far prefer to see something credible done about actual threats, rather than this ongoing, senseless targeting of imaginary horseplay.”