The Patriot Post® · Middle Class Sticker Shock

Premiums aren’t the only thing giving millions of families heart ache. Most individuals also face far higher deductibles under ObamaCare. The WSJ explains: “The average individual deductible for what is called a bronze plan on the exchange – the lowest-priced coverage – is $5,081 a year, according to a new report on insurance offerings in 34 of the 36 states that rely on the federally run online marketplace. That is 42% higher than the average deductible of $3,589 for an individually purchased plan in 2013 before much of the federal law took effect, according to HealthPocket Inc., a company that compares health-insurance plans for consumers.” (Emphasis added.) As a result, “The American Hospital Association … concurred that the higher deductibles ‘will likely lead to an increase in hospital bad debt,’ said Ashley Thompson, its deputy director for policy.” Many of the nation’s top hospitals have already opted to terminate O'Care.