The Patriot Post® · Hammering Small Business

We’ve known for some time that ObamaCare is a costly burden for small businesses that often must choose among several bad options: cutting employee hours, eating the high cost of additional benefits or paying hefty fines. The Washington Post now reports on another obscure part of the law that could really hit small business owners who own more than one business hard. Most of these owners consider their businesses to be separate enterprises. “However,” the Post reports, “for the purposes of the law, regulators don’t consider them all separate businesses. Instead, because they share an owner, they are treated as a single employer – and with all those workers tallied, each of their firms must now provide health insurance.” Such an onerous requirement will undoubtedly mean that these business owners opt not to open new businesses, or at least cease to expand present ones. Just another way ObamaCare is hindering the economy.