The Patriot Post® · Reid on the BIG Lie

As politically vulnerable Demos in the Senate are scurrying away from the ObamaCare train wreck, their intrepid leader, Sen. Harry Reid, yet again repeated Obama’s Big Lie: “What he said was true. If you want to keep the insurance you have you can keep it. The problem is, we did not put the bill into effect that way.” In other words, you can keep your insurance and doctor, except “we did not put the bill into effect that way.” This must be why he exempted some of his staff from ObamaCare. We’re as stupefied by Reid’s reiteration of this now-infamous lie as was the reporter who asked him about it. Is Reid suffering from acute dementia? Has he been imprisoned in some sensory deprivation tank for the last two months? Or is he, like Obama, thoroughly accomplished in the art of the Big Lie?