The Patriot Post® · Army Removing Lee, Jackson?

The U.S. Army War College is considering relinquishing portraits of generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson after an anonymous official complained, reports The Washington Times. Spokesman Carol Kerr said, “I do know at least one person has questioned why we would honor individuals who were enemies of the United States Army.” She added, “[Lee] was certainly not good for the nation. This is the guy we faced on the battlefield whose entire purpose in life was to destroy the nation as it was then conceived.” On the contrary, not only was General Lee one of the greatest military commanders in American history, but he was also a great man of faith who gave his all for the cause of liberty and states’ rights. There were many honorable men of the Confederate States of America, whose objective was, first and foremost, the protection of states rights, and decidedly not the abhorrent continuation of slavery.