The Patriot Post® · Vendors Owe IRS $589M$589m-2013-12-18

While the IRS has been busy targeting conservative organizations applying for tax exempt status, the agency’s been working with more than a thousand vendors that owe more than half a billion dollars in taxes, with a single contractor owing the lion’s share. Fox News reports, “The Internal Revenue Service has been doing business with nearly 1,200 vendors that owe back taxes, including one unnamed contractor that owed a whopping $525 million, a new inspector general’s report says.” In total, the contractors owe Uncle Sam $589 million. Most ridiculously, Fox adds, “The IRS checks whether vendors owe back taxes when the agency awards contracts, the IRS said. But the IRS doesn’t continuously monitor whether vendors are current in their tax bills after contracts are awarded.” In other words, they failed to pay up after contracting with the IRS.