The Patriot Post® · Friday Quotables


Columnist Charles Krauthammer: “The worst thing for Obama is he’s lost control of events. Normally, a president is hostage to events; a war, Hurricane Katrina or whatever. Here, the irony is that the event Obama is hostage to is Obamacare; it’s something he created. … And what people have learned is that it completely remakes health insurance, completely affects their lives and that is what Obama is suffering from. And it is going to be extremely hard for him to recover because the law is now rolling along as McConnell indicated, and can’t be stopped.”


MSNBC anchor Lawrence O'Donnell: “We do know that James Madison would be aghast at interracial marriage. We do know that James Madison would be aghast at an integrated cabinet room in the White House, first with African-American members of the cabinet and now with an African-American president presiding over that cabinet.”

Braying Jackass

Radio talk-show host Bill Press: “[T]he essence of this Tea Party is a racist institution. It is born of the fact that they cannot stand the fact that a black man is President of the United States.”

From the ‘Non Compos Mentis’ File

Harry Reid: “I’m just like 150 million other people in America. My employer helps me pay for my health care.”


Nancy Pelosi: “Our view of the law is that it – if somebody is here without sufficient documentation, that is not reason for deportation.”

Alpha Jackass

White House counselor John Podesta: “[White House officials] need to focus on executive action given that they are facing a second term against a cult worthy of Jonestown in charge of one of the houses of Congress.”

Village Idiots

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius: “What the president really focused on was filling the gap and made a decision that’s uniquely American, which is to stick with the private insurance market and make sure the kinds of plans that existed in workplaces also were available to people regardless of what kind of job they had. The president felt it was better not to disrupt the entire marketplace, but really to focus on where we had a real gap in the system.” <!– [ADV|name] –>

Short Cuts

Comedian Jay Leno: “President Obama has named a top former Microsoft executive to run and fix the Obamacare website. Hey, how about fixing Windows first?”