The Patriot Post® · The Royal Obama Family Vacation

Barack Obama built his political career on lofty leftist ideals like “spreading the wealth around” and other classist rhetoric. He talks a lot about equality, but don’t expect him to lead by example. After spending more than a hundred million dollars on vacations this year, hobnobbing with the rich and famous in places like Martha’s Vineyard and on safari in Africa, King Barack is again taking his queen and princesses off to Hawaii for a 17-day vacation. He, Michelle and the girls will endure a $24,500-per-week oceanfront home with all the trappings – at our expense.

As in previous years, the cost of this wretched excess is somewhere between $5 and $25 million, depending on who’s counting what “travel expenses.” (If we include the deployment of a Pac Fleet carrier group to be at his ready, the cost jumps to about $100 million.)

Of course, this extravagant excursion is priceless for Obama, who hopes that if he keeps his head down for a couple of weeks it may stall the slide in his approval and trust numbers, now lower than any president in the first year of a second term since Nixon.

However, Obama’s litany of lies about ObamaCare are now the ineradicable trademark of his administration. Democrats in the Senate and House are now feeling the effects of his precipitous 35-point collapse in public trust, and they can only hope that their association with him will not bankrupt their political fortunes.

Obama thought he had mastered the “art of the BIG Lie” in order to deceive his constituents, but it turns out that he fooled himself.