The Patriot Post® · Deportations Plummet to 1%

Democrats have made passing immigration reform a top priority, the timing of which is certainly not coincidental. With ObamaCare imploding and Americans increasingly viewing big government as a threat, the Left is forced to try and change the subject to a more politically favorable topic. And it seems that this administration has already set the precedent. In fact, “The Obama administration deported just 1 percent of illegal immigrants living within the interior of the U.S. last year, according to statistics released Thursday,” reports The Washington Times, “which signals that most illegal immigrants face little chance of being kicked out of the country.” Astoundingly, this represents a 25 percent decrease from fiscal year 2012. Meanwhile, they estimate the number of immigrants illegality staying in the States has increased to roughly 11.7 million – likely a very conservative number. That’s a lot of potential voters. No wonder they’re desperate to enact reform.