The Patriot Post® · Walmart Insurance Plan

Retail giant Walmart has taken a lot of heat from ObamaCare activists for their supposedly awful health care benefits. So what’s the federal government to do? Replace the system with something far worse. The Washington Examiner explains: “[A] … comparison of the two health insurance programs found that Walmart’s plan is more affordable and provides significantly better access to high-quality medical care than Obamacare.” According to the Examiner’s findings, “A family of four could pay a $962 premium, but the same Walmart family member would pay about $160.” They’re also provided better services, like access to some of the nation’s top hospitals such as the Mayo Clinic where “Walmart employees and their dependents can get free heart or spinal surgery,” according to the Examiner. “They can also get free knee and hip replacements at four hospitals nationwide.” Gee, that sounds like an awful health care plan. And consider this: In Obama’s hometown of Chicago, O'Care has 9,000 doctors in the exchange policies, but Walmart has 25,000.