The Patriot Post® · The Bully's Pulpit

Columnist Burt Prelutsky: “I have no way of knowing all the facts regarding the New Jersey scandal swirling around Gov. Chris Christie, but I certainly have my suspicions. … In his defense, Christie insisted he knew nothing about it… That would be easier to swallow if we hadn’t lived through several years of Barack Obama insisting that he knew nothing about his own various scandals until he read about them in a newspaper. … In his press conference, Christie defended himself by stating, ‘I am not a bully.’ An unfortunate choice of words. For one thing, it reminded a lot of people of Nixon’s ‘I am not a crook.’ For another, only bullies ever have reason to deny being one. And, finally, Christie’s political appeal is that he is a bully who doesn’t suffer fools or unions gladly. The irony is that Mayor Sokolich, the man being punished for not supporting Christie, is not even a Republican. But, then, a lot of us never thought Christie was, either.”