The Patriot Post® · Obama's 'Promise Zone' Rhetoric

Columnist Michael Reagan: “[T]he president is one of the few guys on the field who doesn’t realize that the ball he wants to move forward has been out of air for almost a century. The most powerful leader on the planet still doesn’t get it when it comes to economic policy – and obviously never will. He still thinks like a naive 20-something community organizer from South Chicago who has never had to meet a payroll or raise a dime of capital. … It doesn’t matter how many lightly taxed and lightly regulated ‘Promise Zones’ President Obama sets up in North Carolina or Texas with a wave of his mighty pen. The whole country needs to be turned into a permanent ‘Promise Zone.’ But that’s never going to happen as long as we have someone in the White House who doesn’t appreciate or like the free market and doesn’t know the difference between capitalism and cronyism.”