The Patriot Post® · Right to Carry Evolving

Some lawmakers on Capitol Hill are trying their best to implement stricter gun control, but most states have taken tremendous strides concerning right to carry legislation. As David Kopel writes in The Volokh Conspiracy, “As of 1986, slightly less than 10% of the U.S. population lived in states where there were objective and fair procedures for the issuance of concealed handgun carry permits. … By 2014, the percentage of people living in the Red states, with no possibility of even applying for a permit, has declined to zero.” Best of all, “As of January 2014, about 2/3 of the population lived in a Green state, with a Shall Issue licensing statute.” This follows a recent Gallup poll which shows support for gun control plummeting. So while the Left continues to shoot from the hip, remember that the vast majority of Americans are right on target.