The Patriot Post® · White House Lauds 'Free' Stimulus

According to the White House, Barack Obama’s $763 billion “stimulus” – more like $832 billion when considering its effects on the Alternative Minimum Tax – was so successful that it essentially paid for itself. “The Recovery Act had at most a minimal impact on the long-run debt,” they write in a report analyzing the stimulus’ 5-year anniversary, “and the additional growth it produced likely further reduced or eliminated its cost.. … [I]ts impact on the long-run fiscal situation was minimal, adding less than 0.1 percent of GDP to the 75-year fiscal gap.” That’s painting an awfully rosy picture. As we’ve previously written, Obama told us that blowing $830 billion would save the economy and result in general peace and harmony – none of which has been realized. The Obama administration wants you to believe this “investment” came for free, but the long-term economic toll will prove otherwise: The government does not generate wealth, it only confiscates and redistributes it.