The Patriot Post® · Bus Driver Saved By Faith

Rickey Wagoner, a 49-year-old Ohio bus driver, had pulled over to check out an electrical problem on his bus when he was shot, possibly as part of a gang initiation ritual. “I’ve been hit in the leg,” Wagoner told an emergency dispatcher. “My chest feels like I’ve been hit with a sledgehammer.” Miraculously, his life was saved when the two bullets fired at his chest were repelled by the Bible in his shirt pocket. Police say he likely wouldn’t have survived if the Bible hadn’t stopped the bullets. Struggling with his assailants, Wagoner even pulled a pen from his pocket and stabbed a suspect in the leg. So not only was he protected by the shield of faith, but once again, the pen proved mightier than the “sword.”

Update – June 20, 2014: Unfortunately, the bus driver’s story doesn’t check out. Police have now closed the investigation, but they say events didn’t go down the way Wagoner says. More…1
