The Patriot Post® · Re: AFA Scrubs Bible Verse

Tony Perkins1 on Air Force Academy Does It Again2: “At the U.S. Air Force Academy, jets aren’t the only thing taking off. So is a campus-wide rebellion against the forces of political correctness. Frustrated by the school’s decision to scrub a Bible verse from one of the dorm whiteboards, cadets decided to take matters into their own hands. In a show of defiance, Bible verses started popping up on dry erase boards throughout the dorms – outraging the anti-Christian ‘tolerance’ police at the Military Religious Freedom Foundation. … Since when is the standard of what’s constitutional based on what offends someone else? If Scripture frightens these cadets, what will they do in the face of a determined jihadist? It’s decisions like these that are creating cowards in place of the proud warriors of the U.S. military. All these cadets have done is freely exercised the constitutional rights they’ll be defending upon graduation.”
