The Patriot Post® · No Time to Go Wobbly
Jeff Jacoby1: “This is no time to go wobbly, but when it comes to foreign policy, wobbly is what Team Obama does best. … To be sure, ‘wobbly’ isn’t the word the administration would use. It prefers terms like ‘flexibility’ or ‘reset.’ Yet from the Kremlin’s perspective, the bottom line is crystal-clear: American leadership in the world is weaker than it has been in decades. … No one expects or wants the United States to go to war over Crimea. But when will it dawn on the president that a US foreign policy based on retrenchment and accommodation makes the world more dangerous, not less? With the best will in the world, the United States cannot retreat from confronting the planet’s bad actors and expect them to reciprocate in kind. Timidity is provocative and invites aggression. The way to discourage hostile regimes is through strength and resistance, not sotto voce promises to be more flexible, or lectures about ‘19th-century behavior.’”