The Patriot Post® · Hollow Boundaries

Mona Charen1: “The most febrile of George W. Bush haters liked to claim during his tenure that the former president ‘scared’ them. There is far more reason to be frightened by President Barack Obama, because fecklessness and inconstancy trigger wars. … Obama and members of his administration are fond of lecturing Vladimir Putin that he is behaving in a ‘19th century’ fashion, as if aggression has gone out of style like knee breeches. Actually, the second half of the 19th century was quite a peaceful one for Europe, particularly compared with the 18th and 17th centuries. That peace was largely maintained by the British Empire, that is, by overwhelming power in the hands of a peaceful country. … Obama has demonstrated that his threats are hollow and his stated boundaries accordion-like. That’s why Obama scares me.”
