The Patriot Post® · Incinerating the Sanctity of Life
Jeff Jacoby1: “At Addenbrooke’s, a hospital in Cambridge, England, the fetuses from 797 miscarriages and abortions were burned in a facility designed to generate electricity and heat. … Human beings are more than mere flesh, more than just one organism among all other organisms. Death doesn’t transform us into ‘clinical waste,’ suitable for recycling or fueling an industrial heating system. Human beings have moral agency; that is what elevates us above every other creature. It is why human rights are intrinsic and universal, it is why human life must be treated with dignity – and why human remains must be handled with dignity when we die. And yes, it’s why even the remains of an unborn baby should be treated respectfully. But we live a dehumanizing age. Our culture makes it easy to scoff at the quaint notion that in every human being is a spark of something divine. It requires a determined pushback not to grow jaded or callous, or to let human exceptionalism be reduced to little more than market value or a bundle of appetites.”