The Patriot Post® · Obama at Odds With Himself

Arnold Ahlert: “‘I continue to be much more concerned when it comes to our security with the prospect of a nuclear weapon going off in Manhattan,’ said Obama. That’s a breathtaking assertion, one completely at odds with Obama’s ‘s reckless foreign policy. … Obama didn’t end the war in Iraq. He abandoned the war in Iraq. As a result, an ostensibly on-the-run al Qaeda has become resurgent in that nation to the point where the al Qaeda-linked terrorist group, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), was able to raise its flag in the city of Fallujah in January. Is there any doubt the same fate awaits Afghanistan? War-weary Americans, made that way in large part by a Democrat party that determined they could win the 2004 presidential election with an anti-war platform based on a tissue of lies, are prone to forget that it was the terrorist training camps in Afghanistan that spawned 9/11.”