The Patriot Post® · Pre-Marked Voter Registrations

Covered California, the state’s ObamaCare exchange, wants to have their cake and eat it, too. “Signed up for insurance through ObamaCare? Great! Now reward all those Democrats who shoved it down your throat by showing your support and appreciation. We’ll even help you do it!” That’s the message an unknown number of enrollees are receiving, and it was only revealed after a couple who vote Republican received an exchange packet containing a pre-marked voter registration card. And don’t act too surprised, but it wasn’t the Republican Party it helpfully marked for you, either. Reason’s J.D. Tuccille wittingly notes, “Covered California claims astonishment, and refers inquiries to the Secretary of State’s office. The San Diego County Registrar of Voters sends people with questions to Covered California. It’s a mystery!” Democrats: The Party of freedom and choice – as long as you’re forced to choose us.