The Patriot Post® · War on Religion Spreads

Patrick Air Force Base in Florida took down its Missing Man Table display all because a Bible in the display was causing “controversy and division.” According to the National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia, “The Bible represents the strength gained through faith in our country, founded as one nation under God, to sustain those lost from our midst,” and, therefore, the Bible is a key element in the display. Because someone objected, all that remains is a POW/MIA flag. Mark Alexander has documented the war on religion being waged at the Air Force Academy here1 and here2, though Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh denies there’s any such thing. “The single biggest frustration I’ve had in this job,” he told Congress, “is the perception that somehow there is religious persecution inside the United States Air Force. It is not true.” Judge for yourself.
