The Patriot Post® · Koch Brother Are Like Terrorists?

Cartoonist David Horsey of the L.A. Times joined the fray being led by hustler Harry Reid in demonizing billionaire entrepreneurs Charles and David Koch. But Horsey saw fit to take the attacks a step further; apparently, the Koch brothers’ deep pocket support for conservative causes dwarf allegations against gun control advocate Leland Yee, the California state senator facing gun trafficking charges for purportedly abetting Islamic organizations. (By the way, we’re still waiting for the mainstream media to cover, much less deplore, Lee’s hypocrisy). “#LeelandYee may be a bad apple, but donors like the #KochBrothers produce a bad harvest,” Horsey tweeted along with a cartoon reflecting his sentiments. Recall that the Kochs rank number 59 in political contributions, while unions and other progressive advocates donate far more cash. Democrats are waging a ridiculous war against the Koch brothers because of their Republican leanings. Meanwhile, real enemies, like Leeland Yee, are shown endless grace from the agenda-driven Leftmedia.