The Patriot Post® · Weekend Review: Why Global Tropical Activity Is So Low

By Joe Bastardi

I wish to show you an example of how I can link a natural event to the downturn in tropical activity and the global temperature – and it’s because I need to know these things that I can formulate a theory on it that is better than one that is obviously, over the last 17 years and 6 months, completely disconnected with reality. …

My theory is simple to understand: The global temperature responds to the great thermostat known as the oceans, and most importantly, the tropical oceans give us a huge clue as to where temperatures are heading. …

Notice how warm the ENSO regions were in the ‘80s and '90s, and how they are going back to where they were in the '50s and '70s now.

Now look at the National Center for Environmental Prediction’s (NCEP) CFSR global temps. since 2005, or the peak of the overall warming of the ENSO areas of the Pacific in the longer term. (NCEP is not a right wing think tank.)

They have started a downward drift!

Now link this to the Global ACE index which is the gold standard of measuring tropical activity, from Dr. Ryan Maue.

The peak was reached while the Pacific was in its warmest state and similar to the downturn in the ocean and the global temperature, clearly shown above. It has retreated to the low levels we see now! …

[W]et bulb temperatures are lower at crucial levels in the tropics, and storms have to “work harder” to combat dry air to form. It’s exactly opposite of the propaganda that was spewed in an Inconvenient Truth; exactly opposite of what you have been told about so-called “trapping hot spots” (another EPA holy grail in the lines of evidence that is completely wrong); exactly opposite of what was forecasted by these people; and *opposite of the panic buttons they are trying to push.

What was it Einstein said?

> “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong.”

(Read the rest.)