The Patriot Post® · Biden Pans Voter ID

Joe Biden has a real problem with needing to show an ID before casting a vote. In fact, he thinks it’s despicable and racist. “I’ve got to tell you,” he said, “if someone had told me 10 years ago I’d have to make a pitch for protecting voting rights today, I would have said, ‘you’ve got to be kidding.’” He added, “I thought at that time the only debate we’d be having now is how to continue to expand the voting franchise. But last year, when the Supreme Court cut the heart out of the Voting Rights Act, it opened up the floodgates to voter-suppression efforts nationwide. We have to stand up. It’s time to stand up and fight back.” Democrats need those illegal votes! In truth, all the Supreme Court did was say that it’s not reasonable to hold some states to a metric devised when Biden was still a 23-year-old kid on his parents’ insurance plan.