The Patriot Post® · Reform the Tax Code

Ed Feulner: “‘The income tax has made more liars out of the American people than golf has,’ Will Rogers once quipped. Actually, most Americans try hard to fill out their taxes properly. Unfortunately, the tax code has grown so mind-numbingly complex that it seems almost as if the system is rigged to make them fail. It’s not, but it might as well be. The code is so long, notes House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp, it’s 10 times the size of the Bible. Even if you could easily grasp all the rules, they’re never the same from year to year. There have been more than 4,400 changes to the code in the past decade alone (about one a day), leaving even tax professionals scrambling to catch up every year. … As businessman Robert Half once said, ‘People try to live within their income so they can afford to pay taxes to a government that can’t live within its income.’ It doesn’t have to be that way. With the right kind of tax reform, we can help the American people – and give our economy the right kind of stimulus.”