The Patriot Post® · Misplaced Faith

Cal Thomas: “What should awaken apathetic Americans is a story in last week’s The New York Times headlined ‘Cost of Treatment May Influence Doctors.’ The story said some of the country’s largest medical groups are now suggesting that physicians consider cost when treating patients. The Times says a subtle shift is taking place within medicine as ‘doctors are starting to redefine their roles, from being concerned exclusively about individual patients to exerting influence on how health care dollars are spent.’ In other words, are you ‘worth’ being treated for cancer or other illnesses that can cost a lot of money? When government pressures health care providers to accept a utilitarian view of human life, it is a short step to government deciding whose life is worth living and whose is not. When the dollar becomes almighty, the Almighty who creates life takes a back seat. … Real faith is based on something substantive, not false hope. Government is a false god that history proves can’t deliver on most of its promises.”