The Patriot Post® · BundyFest! Celebrates 'Freedom'

Cliven Bundy’s dispute with the BLM has sparked all manner of debate, protest and, coming soon … nudity. A group of attention seekers has started a Facebook page called “BundyFest!” and the objective is to flaunt a particular kind of freedom. “For years, we paid permitting fees to hold Burning Man on the beautiful Playa in Northern Nevada,” reads the event’s page. “But now, Cliven Bundy has shown us a NEW WAY! ABSOLUTE FREEDOM! Bundy has declared the entire area surrounding Bundy Ranch as a TOTALLY RULES-FREE ZONE! ANYTHING GOES! WOO-HOO!!!” According to The Blaze, “No permits will be required for ‘BundyFest,’ nudity is encouraged and participants are expected to embrace the festival’s gay friendly atmosphere…. There will be no bathroom facilities … but festivalgoers can always use the great outdoors.” What goes around comes around, we suppose.