The Patriot Post® · ENDA by Fiat?

Tony Perkins1: “Wednesday, [Joe Biden] hinted at another executive order to accomplish what liberals in Congress couldn’t: special homosexual workplace protections. … Under the measure, which the President would love to force on government contractors by fiat, ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’ – not experience or performance – would be the most important factor in any hiring, firing, or promotion decision. What people do in the bedroom would suddenly translate to the board room, as executives would be forced to give homosexuals and transgenders a professional edge over their coworkers. The vast majority of employers wouldn’t consider an employee’s sexual orientation relevant – or even want to know. But in ENDA’s case, those same businesses could be hit by costly lawsuits from disgruntled workers suing for ‘discrimination’ over a characteristic which isn’t visible. If liberals are serious about ENDA, they should call it what it is: a club to beat small business and Christian employers into submission on homosexuality.”
