The Patriot Post® · Keystone XL vs. Cow Farts

Even climate alarmists over at The Washington Post concede the absurdity of the GHG emissions argument the Left is using to rail against the Keystone XL pipeline. The EPA says, “The incremental emissions from oil sands crude transported by the Project would … be 18.7 million metric tons CO2-e (carbon dioxide equivalent) per year when compared to an equal amount of U.S. average crudes.” Now, some perspective. The Post’s Christopher Ingraham writes, “18.7 million tons sounds like a huge number on its own, but consider that more than 10 times that much CO2-e gets released into the atmosphere each year from methane produced by cows. We could say that in terms of overall CO2-e emissions, Keystone amounts to a little over one tenth of U.S. cow flatulence.” But don’t worry, they’re taking care of the cow fart epidemic too.