The Patriot Post® · Pelosi, Hoyer Slam Committee
In a joint letter1 to John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer reiterated the Democrats’ guidelines2 for the Benghazi select committee. “If you truly want this new select committee to be bipartisan and fair – and to be taken seriously by the American people – we call on you to reconsider this approach before bringing this measure to the House floor for a vote,” they write. “Another partisan review that serves only to politicize these attacks is disrespectful and unworthy of the American people.” Really, Nancy? The administration’s politicalization of the attack and continual stonewalling have left Republicans no choice. Any disrespect lies solely at the feet of Democrats. Pelosi and Hoyer note, “More than a new chairman is needed to correct the obvious deficiencies in this partisan Republican oversight. What is needed is a fundamentally different approach.” Like forgetting about the debacle.