The Patriot Post® · The Left's Curious Consolation
R. Emmett Tyrrell1: “Just as the left has no practical solution for global warming, it has had no solution for arms control, universal healthcare or, in fact, the expenses of the welfare state. Arms control always depended on the United States, a nation that abides by its treaties, signing a treaty with Russia, a nation that does not abide by its treaties. Universal healthcare’s costs are proving to be catastrophic and will be unsustainable. The welfare state runs up bills that in the end will bankrupt us. Yet the dutiful leftists plods on, insisting that the answer to all our problems are readily available. The American leftist has become the most slavish conformist under the sun. In the 1970s the left worried about global cooling. There was talk of a new ice age and constant winter. Today the hysteria is about global warming and the alarm bells are sounding for drought, torrential rains and ocean levels rising. Through all these contradictions, the believing automaton of the left proceeds without a thought of complaint. The American leftists may lead lives of constant anxiety but they find reassurance in one thing, their own moral superiority to the rest of us. I find that a curious consolation.”