The Patriot Post® · Armed Forces Day

Today is Armed Forces Day. We remain the land of the free because these Patriots – American Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coastguardsmen – have stood bravely in harm’s way and remain on post today. For this, we, the American people, offer our heartfelt thanks and prayers for you and your families.

The Patriot Post is proud to be one of the nation’s leading advocates for our Armed Forces and their mission. We do this by providing countless Americans with the right perspective on that mission and the demanding tasks our military personnel have carried out with unfailing courage and professionalism. In addition, we support our warriors through efforts such as Operation Shield of Strength – from which we have now distributed one million dog tags – our Support and Defend pages, and The Patriot Post Shop, which carries an extensive collection of products bearing official military insignia, the proceeds of which support our mission of service to our Armed Forces.

Don’t miss Armed Forces Day 2015, a fitting tribute by Mark Alexander to American Patriots in uniform.