The Patriot Post® · Accommodating Newly Minted Citizens

Arnold Ahlert: “Despite a 1907 law requiring all immigrants to learn English in order to become a citizen, Section 203 of the 1975 Voting Rights Act, and its subsequent amendment in 1992, required ballots to be printed in multiple languages if a Latino, Asian-American, American Indian or Alaskan minority group comprised more than 5 percent of the voting-age population or at least 10,000 citizens in various locals. Those are requirements. Does anyone seriously believe that every leftist stronghold in the nation won’t simply accommodate newly minted citizens who tend to vote Democratic? … [A]nyone stupid enough to believe the same president who has unilaterally and un-Constitutionally re-written ObamaCare, and who has already played it similarly fast and loose with existing immigration law, would faithfully enforce new legislation is utterly delusional.”