The Patriot Post® · Re: The VA Scandal

Arnold Ahlert: “[W]hile the political machinations, the hearings, the media stories and the investigations play themselves out, men and women who served this nation – and in many cases paid an extremely heavy price for that highly honorable commitment – are getting the short end of the stick. The very least this nation owes our veterans is timely healthcare, not a litany of excuses and stonewalling from a dysfunctional and very likely corrupt bureaucracy. One like every other government bureaucracy, where self-preservation matters above all else. If there is little else Americans learn form this scandal, it should be noted that this is the true face of government-run healthcare, in all its ‘individual be damned’ glory. If the government can treat 8.57 million veterans this shabbily, imagine how they will treat Americans forced to enroll in ObamaCare.”