The Patriot Post® · Contract With America II
Some Republican senators are looking to create a unified running platform for all Senate races this year, a similar plan to the one Newt Gingrich created 20 years ago with his “Contract with America.” In November, Republicans have a chance to retake the Senate and Politico reports the party is discussing its strategy for the coming months. A Contract with America II would unite the party, give it something to fight for, instead of highlighting what it’s against, and would show a vision of what a GOP-led Senate would look like. However, the plan could make a juicy target for Democrats. Gingrich says, “I don’t know if I would try to turn that into a really formal structure at this point.” He added, “They should be very careful.” If Republicans move forward with the strategy, they need to emphasize personal Liberty and limited government or else they just become another party in power. More…1