The Patriot Post® · Right Principle, Wrong Tactics

After a group of open-carry activists in Texas succeeded only in prompting two more restaurant chains to ban firearms in their establishments (talk about “backfiring”), the NRA published a statement saying the demonstrators were “attention-hungry” and crossed the line “from enthusiasm to downright foolishness.” Furthermore, “Using guns merely to draw attention to yourself in public not only defies common sense, it shows a lack of consideration and manners. That’s not the Texas way. And that’s certainly not the NRA way.” The Texas group responded by threatening to tear up their NRA membership cards, so the NRA’s Chris Cox quickly backpedaled, saying the release was merely the “personal opinion” of a staffer. The NRA should have stuck to its guns because they were right the first time. We might even go further and liken the Texas group’s tactics to those of homosexual activists, who flaunt their “gayness” in your face. The issue here isn’t the principle – we agree with the Texas group – but their tactics don’t effectively advance the cause. More…1
