The Patriot Post® · NYT Defends Bergdahl

The New York Times editorialized Thursday that the outrage over Bowe Bergdahl’s release is manufactured for GOP political gain. “Republican operatives have arranged for soldiers in his unit to tell reporters that he was a deserter who cost the lives of several soldiers searching for him,” The Times scornfully writes. “In fact, a review of casualty reports by Charlie Savage and Andrew Lehren of The Times showed there is no clear link between any military deaths and the search.” Just because the Times couldn’t find a link doesn’t mean there isn’t one. But worse, the editors blame Bergdahl’s unit for his leaving: “If anything, the report suggests that the army unit’s lack of security and discipline was as much to blame for the disappearance, given the sergeant’s history.” Memo to the Times: The Trouble isn’t with Bergdahl’s unit but with a commander in chief who’s making lousy deals with the enemy. More…