The Patriot Post® · IRS Broke the Law
It looks like former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner didn’t let a few tax laws get in the way of her crusade against the people who dare speak against Barack Obama. Call us old fashioned, but if you’re going to investigate someone – even if you are targeting them unfairly – it seems like you should at least follow the laws if you are going to accuse the targets of breaking them, instead of abusing power. But abuse power Lerner did. Evidently, the IRS gave the FBI a database that was supposed to be kept confidential. Darrell Issa (R-CA) wrote a letter to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen saying, “This revelation that the IRS sent 1.1 million pages of nonprofit tax-return data – including confidential taxpayer information – to the FBI confirms suspicions that the IRS worked with the Justice Department to facilitate the potential investigation of nonprofit groups engaged in lawful political speech.” Gee, we heard the Obama administration was the most transparent in history, but we suppose Obama’s lackeys meant that only amongst themselves. More…1