The Patriot Post® · GOP Goes Left?

While the primary win of David Brat over soon-to-be-former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was a spectacular victory for the ideals promoted by the Tea Party, the political jostling by Republicans to fill Cantor’s leadership seat may push the party left. Cantor endorsed Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as the next Republican to warm his seat, and McCarthy is reportedly sprinting to secure support. As National Review’s John Fund reports, “McCarthy, a former minority leader of Republicans in the California assembly, is thought of as a skillful vote counter but someone whose views on issues are actually less conservative than those of Eric Cantor. ‘It would be ironic indeed if Cantor’s loss moved the House GOP to the left, because that’s not what the message of Tuesday’s primary results was,’ one conservative member told me.” That indicates the GOP leadership isn’t doing so well listening to the base. More…