The Patriot Post® · Unfair Flights

How dare the Norwegian Air International try to create a cheaper flight across the Atlantic! Basing itself in Ireland, hiring flight crews from Thailand – It’s only a dirty scheme to avoid taxes and unions! It’s just not fair! That’s why four, American air-bus companies sent a letter1 to their bureaucrat friends at the Department of Transportation asking to put an end to all this international unfairness. “Even if NAI’s plans did not specifically violate the U.S.-EU Air Transport Agreement,” the letter said, “the application should be dismissed because it fails to meet the Department’s public interest standard. Under the DOT’s public interest standard, a key objective is ‘strengthening the competitive position of [U.S.] air carriers to at least ensure equality with foreign air carriers.’” That’s right, folks, those cronies at Norwegian Air want to make you doubt American airlines are the best way to travel internationally. DOT should probably shut Norwegian Air down – they’re probably communist, too. More…2
